About Me
Welcome to my corner of the digital world! I'm Nagham El-Khalil Naamani, a dedicated educator and certified life and executive coach based in the UAE.
I have a profound love for learning and growth and have built a career centred around my passion for education, personal development, and positively impacting people's lives.
In my role as an educator, I find great satisfaction in helping young minds realize their potential, guiding students toward their dreams each day. This journey in education has also been one of personal learning, self-discovery, and growth for me.
My Story
A pivotal moment happened in 2018, during my elder son's high school graduation. This, seemingly common, rite of passage sparked deep introspection in me and initiated a quest to understand my life's purpose beyond motherhood. It served as a wake-up call, highlighting the constant evolution of life and the importance of letting go, dispelling the belief that I could control every aspect of my children's lives.
In search of answers, I sought the help of a life coach. I stepped outside my comfort zone, confronted my own limiting beliefs, and in the process, found a deeper love for myself and a clearer sense of purpose.
Inspired by this transformation, I embarked on life and executive coach training and certification. Today, I’m committed to assisting individuals in navigating their own personal and professional challenges, equipping them with evidence-based tools to establish meaningful goals and unleash their true potential.
If you're ready for a journey of self-discovery, you're in the right place. Rest assured, if coaching could offer me newfound clarity and direction, it can certainly do the same for you.
Certifications and Memberships